Zapdos Analysis

With the introduction of terrains and thunder wave nerfs, Zapdos now surpasses Thundurus as the prime Electric type for damage and speed control. A trifecta of decent bulk, passable speed, and decent Special Attack, Zapdos serves as both speed control and an offensive threat.

*90 / 85 / 90 Bulk allows Zapdos to handle many attacks effectively and Roost back to recover
*Electric / Flying typing means that Zapdos has only two weaknesses
*125 Special Attack stat allows Zapdos to invest more heavily in bulk while still dealing decent damage
*A wonderful partner for Landorus, as they cover each other’s weaknesses very well

*Very linear usage, always used to set up Tailwind for speed control
*Rather restricted movepool; Zapdos really only has six viable moves which are easy to discern based on team preview
*Suffers from 4 Moveslot syndrome; wants to have three attacks but can not afford it
*Easily walled by common Pokemon such as Amoongus, Landorus, and Ferrothorn

Set - All Encompassing Zapdos Spread
Zapdos @ Misty Seed / Electrium Z / Pinch Berry
Ability: Pressure  
Level: 50  
EVs: 236 HP / 92 Def / 36 SpA / 76 SpD / 68 Spe  
Modest Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Thunderbolt  
- Heat Wave / HP Ice
- Tailwind
- Roost / Protect

*This is the one Zapdos spread I use no matter which of the three items I may be using
*Thunderbolt provides hard-hitting STAB, 2HKOing all Tapu Fini and Celesteela
*It also chunks Azumarill to over 80%, rendering Belly Drum useless
*Heat Wave and HP Ice compete for the second attacking move slot on all Zapdos
*If your team is particularly weak to Ferrothorn and Amoongus, pick Heatwave
*Keep in mind that with Pinch Berry, Heatwave will be a 3HKO on both
*HP Ice is used on teams that struggle in dealing with Landorus
*Typically a 2HKO on even uninvested Landorus
*Roost and Protect are interchangeable depending on what set you are running
*Seed Zapdos, because of its added bulk, is generally able to run Roost to continually replenish HP
*Protect is run on Pinch Berry sets, because berry provides an alternate form of recovery
*Electrium Z can run either, though Protect is probably better to better position for Z move
*236 / 92 Defense makes +252 Atk Landorus Rockslide a 3HKO (4HKO with Berry), and also survives 252 Atk Mega Metagross Zen Headbutt in Psychic Terrain
*236 / 76 Special Defense survives many STAB moves such as +252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic in Terrain
*With +1 boost, Zapdos can survive +252 SpA Mega Char Y Overheat in the sun, +252 SpA Tapu Lele Z Psychic in Terrain, and +252 SpA Ludicolo Hydro Vortex in rain
*+36 SpA Gigavolt Havoc OHKOs incredibly bulky Celesteela and Tapu Fini
*Without Z Move, Thunderbolt usually 2HKO’s instead
*68 Speed EV’s allows Zapdos to hit 129, always outspeeding Timid 252 Pelipper and outspeeding Ludicolo under Tailwind
Using Zapdos
*If running Misty or Psychic Seed, Tapu Fini and Tapu Lele are obviously required
*Remember that Zapdos will not survive Z Moves without seed activated, so when running seed it is often good to lead with Tapu + Zapdos
*The most consistent, safe item would be Wiki Berry, as it allows you to run Protect while also staying on the field with extra recovery
*If running Electrium Z, you can also consider running max speed investment to simply get off Gigavolt Havoc and clearing an immediate threat, then setting up Tailwind the following turn
*Zapdos enjoys Intimidate support to help ensure Tailwind is set up
*As mentioned earlier, Landorus is a perfect partner for Zapdos both offensively and defensively
*Fake Out support from Pokemon such as Kangaskhan and Incineroar are also useful
*The most popular Zapdos core revolves around Zapdos + Tapu Fini + Landorus
*These three Pokemon provide excellent pivots and switch ins for each other, while providing offensive pressure as well
*It is usually not a good idea to bring Zapdos in matchups against any Trick Room team, as it often feels useless and provides nothing but the occasional Thunderbolt


Other Resources

VGC 2018 Teams

Naganadel Analysis

Salamence Analysis (Mega Croissant)

Lurantis Analysis

Landorus-T, the King of VGC

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