Naganadel Analysis

One of three new Ultra Beasts introduced in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Naganadel finds its niche as a speedy and offensive Poison type in a Tapu filled format. With a decent speed stat, access to Tailwind, and the flexibility of Z Moves, Naganadel can serve as a check to major threats in the format.

*Poison Dragon is an excellent Offensive and Defensive typing in the current format
*127 Special Attack allows Naganadel to OHKO all Tapus with the exception of Tapu Fini, and also provides 2HKOs with Super Effective attacks
*121 Speed allows Naganadel to outspeed most of the format barring Tapu Koko and Mega Gengar, and is the fastest Tailwind setter available
*Decent coverage and access to Tailwind allow Naganadel to fulfill multiple roles
*Choice Scarf Naganadel outspeeds Ludicolo in the Rain, and KO’s with Sludge Bomb

*73 / 73 / 73 Defensive stats are lackluster; Naganadel requires Intimidate support to survive most STAB and Super Effective Physical Attacks
*Has to sacrifice outspeeding 180 Speed Pokemon and above for the sake of Special Attack Beast Boosts
*Can’t out damage or threaten common threats such as Gengar, Landorus, and Incineroar, who can all wall Naganadel effectively
*Z Move reliant to KO the likes of Tapu Fini and Mega Metagross

Set - Z Move Naganadel
Naganadel @ Firium Z / Poisonium Z
Ability: Beast Boost  
Level: 50  
EVs: 76 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 172 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Sludge Bomb  
- Flamethrower / Draco Meteor
- Tailwind / Nasty Plot
- Protect

*The Naganadel set I’ve seen the most success with, this set allows Naganadel to survive common Super Effective attacks while granting Naganadel a Special Attack increase from Beast Boost
*Sludge Bomb is Naganadel’s main STAB move of choice, allowing it to check Fairy types
*Flamethrower is Naganadel’s second attacking move of choice, allowing Naganadel to threaten Steel-types such as Celesteela and Mega Metagross that might otherwise wall Naganadel
*Draco Meteor can be used in place of Flamethrower if a team needs a Kommo-o check and has sufficient answers to Steel Types
*Access to Tailwind allows Naganadel to fulfill a role similar to an offensive Zapdos, providing Speed Control for its allies
*Nasty Plot can be used to push Naganadel’s Special Attack to absurd levels, OHKOing most targets with Super Effective attacks
*252 Special Attack and 172+ Speed allow Naganadel to hit a stat value of 179 in both Special Attack and Speed
*179 is incredibly potent, as it allows Naganadel to outspeed 252+ Spe Mega Metagross by one point, while also granting Naganadel a Special Attack increase from Beast Boost
*252 SpA Sludge Bomb KO’s all Tapus barring Tapu Fini; after one boost, Naganadel OHKO’s Tapu Fini
*252 SpA Sludge Bomb KO’s Azumarill 37.5% of the time, either KOing a Belly Drum boosted Azumarill or bringing Azumarill’s HP too low for a Belly Drum to activate
*252 SpA Firium Z Naganadel KO’s 220 HP / 4 SpD Mega Metagross 93.8 of the time
*76 HP / 4 Def allows Naganadel to survive:
*-1 252+ Atk Landorus-T Earthquake 100% of the time
*-1 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Stomping Tantrum 100% of the time
*+6 252+ Atk Huge Power Azumarill Aqua Jet 100% of the time
*76 HP / 4 SpD allows Naganadel to survive 220+ SpA Choice Specs Tapu Fini Moonblast 93.8% of the time
Using Naganadel
*Naganadel, while providing decent utility and offensive pressure, is notably frail and susceptible to common threats such as Landorus, Kommo-o, and Mega Metagross
*Pairing Naganadel with Intimidate is necessary; without Intimidate, Naganadel will not survive the majority of STAB attacks, let alone Super Effective attacks from physical threats
*Incineroar fits this role nicely, providing both Intimidate support to neuter opponents, and Fake Out support for setting up Tailwind
*Clefairy is a an incredibly useful partner for Naganadel, providing a multitude of supportive benefits
*Follow Me redirects threatening attacks from Naganadel, allowing Naganadel to freely deal damage or set up Tailwind
*Helping Hand pushes Naganadel’s damage past certain thresholds, allowing Naganadel to outright KO Tapu Fini with Sludge Bomb or Aegislash-Shield with Z Flamethrower
*Access to Icy Wind allows Naganadel to outspeed Choice Scarf Pokemon after a single Icy Wind (Landorus-T)
*Friend Guard, which grants Clefairy’s allies 25% damage reduction, allows Naganadel to either tank a Super Effective hit without Intimidate support, or push 2HKOs from spread moves (Hyper Voice) into 3HKOs
*Tapu Bulu is an obvious complement to Naganadel, as Grassy Terrain helps cover Naganadel’s weakness to Earthquake
*In general, when using Naganadel, you need solid answers to Aegislash, Mega Gengar, Landorus-T, and Incineroar, as these threats can wall and dismantle Naganadel’s usefulness
*Naganadel is also terrible under Trick Room because of its high speed and frail defenses; teams should build other answers to Trick Room threats


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