Meta Metagross Analysis

With great typing both offensively and defensively, crazy stat distribution, and insane coverage given USUM move tutors, Metagross is easily the safest Mega Evolution in this format.

*Metagross possesses Clear Body, allowing it to ignore Intimidates that otherwise hinder its damage output
*When mega evolved, Tough Claws allows Metagross to deal hefty damage with both stabs and coverage moves
*Instant speed changes upon Mega Evolution allow Metagross to outspeed much of the format
*80 / 150 / 110 Bulk Allows Metagross to live many Super Effective attacks while returning with KO’s
*Coverage moves such as Ice Punch and Stomping Tantrum effectively cover all of Metagross’ checks except for Charizard Y
*When paired with Tapu Lele, Zen Headbutt from Metagross can outright KO many Pokemon

*4 Moveslot Syndrome; Metagross has to pick three out of four attacking moves
*If not outright KOing certain Pokemon, such as Aegislash or Incineroar, Metagross can get KO’d due to its 80 HP stat
*Very weak under Trick Room, do not let Trick Room go up or Metagross can be KO’d quickly

Set - Standard Metagross
Metagross-Mega @ Metagrossite  
Ability: Tough Claws  
Level: 50  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Iron Head / Zen Headbutt
- Ice Punch  
- Stomping Tantrum  
- Protect

*Iron Head and Zen Headbutt, despite being Metagross’ two STAB moves, are interchangeable
*Iron Head provides coverage against Fairies and provides better accuracy
*Zen Headbutt is typically used if a team is weak to Amoongus or paired with Tapu Lele
*Ice Punch is necessary to KO Landorus, picking up KO”s on Landorus even at -1
*Stomping Tantrum is truly what makes Mega Metagross so dominant in this metagame
*Pokemon such as Heatran, Incineroar, and Aegislash that used to wall Metagross are now 2HKOd by Stomping Tantrum
*Rare sets using Tapu Lele + Metagross use both Zen Headbutt and Iron Head, as they run a hard counter to Landorus instead of Ice Punch

Using Metagross
*When using Metagross, typically require to run both Zapdos and Amoongus
*Zapdos allows for Tailwind support and provides high damage against Ferrothorn and Bulky Waters, which often whittle and chip away at Metagross
*Amoongus is used as a Trick Room counter; Spore prevents Trick Room from going up as well as largely threatening many Trick Room abusers as well
*Two common Tapu partners are Tapu Fini and Tapu Lele
*Tapu Lele provides Psychic Terrain, allowing not only insane Zen Headbutt damage but also protecting Metagross from Fake Out
*Tapu Fini provides Misty Terrain, preventing Metagross from being neutered by WoW, while threatening the common Fire Types and Landorus that threaten Metagross
*Landorus is also a great teammate, as it provides Intimidate support and can switch into Earthquakes in place of Metagross
*If running bulkier variants / assault vest, Landorus can also switch into Z Moves such as Ghostium Z Aegislash
*Provides a good check to Sand Teams, threatening Excadrill and Tyranitar that otherwise prevent Metagross from doing damage
*Because Metagross is weak to Charizard Y especially, due to not being able to KO Charizard before taking a Heat Wave or other Fire move + Sun boost, Tyranitar is run to control the weather
*Sand provides chip damage without damaging Metagross, while also removing Rain or Sun that might otherwise boost moves into the range of KOing Metagross
*0/0 Metagross lives +252 Atk Landorus Earthquake 100% of the time, and can return KO with Ice Punch
*Metagross + Lele is a very offensive lead, putting on heavy pressure on opponents right from the start
*Metagross + Zapdos provides less offensive pressure outright but provides the option of Tailwind, matching or gaining speed control on opponents


Other Resources

VGC 2018 Teams

Naganadel Analysis

Salamence Analysis (Mega Croissant)

Lurantis Analysis

Landorus-T, the King of VGC

Aegislash Analysis

Kartana Analysis

Charizard Y Analysis

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