Manectric Analysis

A seemingly frail Mega Evolution, Manectric fulfills a niche in VGC 2018 as both a Lightning Rod user and Intimidator. While not as powerful as other electric types in the format such as Tapu Koko, Manectric provides strong support as an Intimidate pivot with speedy Snarls.

*In its base form, Lightning Rod provides redirection of Electric type attacks away from Tapu Fini or Celesteela, namely from Tapu Koko
*With Mega Speed changes in 2018, Mega-Manectric instantly jumps to 205 speed, outpacing most Pokemon in the format while Intimidating opposing Pokemon
*This allows Manectric to either Snarl opponents before they move, or Volt Switch out
*Decent Special attack stat still allows for 2HKOs on Tapu Fini and Charizard Y without much investment

*Weak 75/80/80 overall bulk means that STAB moves will often net KO’s on Manectric if not at -1
*Manectric’s base form is even weaker; it usually can not afford to switch into attacks
*Manectric has a very linear function and role as an intimidate Pivot; can not afford to be ran as an offensive Mega Evolution
*Manectric is used to support your other Pokemon to help them stick around or set up
*Manectric’s damage against non super effective targets is nothing major, typically only deals around 30% of an opponent's HP
*Landorus threatens Manectric’s longevity, forcing Manectric to switch out most of the time

Set #1 - Offensive Manectric
Move 1: Thunderbolt
Move 2: Volt Switch
Move 3: Flamethrower / Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect
Item: Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod > Intimidate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 4 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 244 Spe

A much more offensive variant, this Manectric set deals hefty damage to multiple different targets
*Thunderbolt allows Manectric to stay on the field and dish out damage, picking up 2HKOs on Mega Gengar, Tapu Fini, and in Electric Terrain it 2HKOs Tapu Koko as well​​
*Volt Switch is still a necessary move, allowing Manectric to pivot out of dangerous situations and cycle in more Intimidates
*The Third Moveslot is up for grabs - on an offensively oriented Manectric, Flamethrower and Hidden Power Ice are both viable options
*Flamethrower nets 2HKOs on Amoongus, and does ~70% to Mega Metagross, allowing Flamethrower + Volt Switch to always KO​​
*252 SpA Manectric Hidden Power Ice picks up clean KO's on uninvested Landorus​​
*244+ Speed in Manectric mirrors means that your Manectric will move second
*While seemingly terrible, this allows you to dodge Intimidates on your other Pokemon that you are pivoting into​
*4/0 Manectric Lives -1 +252 Atk Landorus Earthquake 100% of the time

Set #2 - Intimidate Pivot
Move 1: Volt Switch
Move 2: Overheat / Flamethrower
Move 3: Snarl / Hidden Power Ice
Move 4: Protect
Item: Manectite
Ability: Lightning Rod > Intimidate
Nature: Timid
EVs: 116 HP / 4 Def / 52 SpA / 84 SpD / 252 Spe  

*Volt Switch is mandatory on Manectric, allowing it to switch out of unwanted situations while dealing chip damage to opposing Pokemon
*Volt Switch allows for constant cycles of Intimidate, even through Shadow Tag
*Overheat is used to secure knock outs on weakened Amoongus, Metagross, and Aegislash
*Access to Volt Switch allows Manectric to pivot out after a SpA drop from Overheat
*Flamethrower can be used to guaranteed KOs on Pokemon like Kartana without stat drops, but often lacks the damage to deal with Amoongus and Aegislash
*Snarl allows Manectric and its partner to stick around longer and potentially set up Trick Room or knock out opposing Pokemon
*When paired with Gothitelle, Snarl allows Gothitelle to survive Ghostium Z from
Aegislash that it otherwise would not
*Hidden Power Ice is a viable replacement, however, even with max SpA investment it Fails to guarantee the KO’s on uninvested 4/0 Landorus. Use only if incredibly weak to Landorus
*116/4 Defensive bulk allows Manectric to survive -1 Max Attack Adamant Landorus Earthquake allowing for continuous pivots against Scarf variants of Landorus
*Also makes Stomping Tantrum/Zen Headbutt in Psychic Terrain from -1 Metagross a
2HKO, and survives -1 Max Attack Adamant Tyranitar Black Hole Eclpise as well
*116/84 Special Defensive bulk allows Manectric to survive Max Special Attack Tapu Lele Psychic in Psychic Terrain and Max Special Attack Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave in the Sun after a Snarl
*Max Speed is essential to outspeed positive natured base 130 Pokemon such as Tapu Koko and Mega Gengar, allowing for Snarls and Volt Switches before opponents can move

Using Manectric
*Because of Lightning Rod, Manectric pairs very well with Tapu Fini, Celesteela
*Both Tapu Fini and Celesteela enjoy the added safety of Lightning Rod, allowing either
to set up Calm Mind or Leech Seed and remaining safe from Gigavolt Havoc
*Landorus is a perfect Pokemon for Manectric to Pivot into; not only does Landorus provide yet another Intimidate, but because it is levitating, Landorus can safely switch into Ground type moves that would have targeted Manectric
*Gothitelle is a premier Trick Room setter to pair with Manectric
*Because of Shadow Tag, Gothitelle can trap opponents in while Manectric cycles in
multiple Snarl’s and Intimidates, rendering opposing Pokemon incredibly weak
*Manectric is so incredibly frail without prior Intimidate or Snarl support
*Teams using Manectric should either lead with Manectric and quickly pivot out after
Mega Evolving, or bring in Manectric when a safe switch in is possible


Other Resources

VGC 2018 Teams

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Salamence Analysis (Mega Croissant)

Lurantis Analysis

Landorus-T, the King of VGC

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