Tyranitar Analysis

After two years of sun and rain dominating the VGC format, sand is once again a viable because of Tyranitar. Boasting incredibly stats and an equally incredible Mega Evolution, Tyranitar serves as crucial weather control to fight against Rain and Sun.

*Incredible stat distribution, probably my favorite out of any Pokemon
*134 Attack allows Tyranitar to hit like a truck, especially with Rock Slide
*100 / 110 / 100 Bulk is amazing, and allows Tyranitar to tank many moves without much investment at all
*61 Speed allows Tyranitar the option of running Trick Room and Scarf sets
*Sand Stream, as the name suggests, sets up Sand over weathers like Rain and Sun
*Negates Speed boosts and Damage boosts that Rain / Sun abusers depend on
*Rock types have 1.5x Special Defense in Sand, giving Tyranitar a free Assault Vest
*Because of its natural bulk, Tyranitar has the option of running many different items, such as Choice Scarf, Darkium Z, Life Orb, and Assault Vest
*Can also run an Mega Evolution, with even better stat distribution
*164 Attack boosts Tyranitar to almost break 200 without any investment / nature boost
*100 / 150 / 120 Bulk is ridiculous; Tyranitar naturally has 210 SpD with sand up
*71 Speed allows Tyranitar to outspeed Positive Spe Nature Base 130 Pokemon such as Gengar and Tapu Koko after one Dragon Dance or Icy Wind
*Diverse movepool allows Tyranitar to deal Super Effective damage on the entire format (except for Bulky Waters)
*Also allows Tyranitar the flexibility to Set Up with moves like Dragon Dance or Curse

*Tyranitar is both weak to Landorus and quad weak to Fighting Types, meaning that a Superpower from Landorus can often cleanly KO Tyranitar
*Low Kick from Scrafty or Incineroar also KO or do massive damage
*4 Move slot Syndrome; Tyranitar often wants to run both Low Kick and Ice Punch to cover its bases
*Tyranitar in its Base form only hits 124 Speed with a Positive nature, meaning that even with Choice Scarf or one Dragon Dance boost, it underspeeds Mega Salamence, Tapu Koko, Manectric, and Mega Gengar
*Outside of sand, Tyranitar will often be 2HKO’d by Special Attacks

Set #1 - Standard 252/252
Tyranitar @ Weakness Policy / Choice Scarf
Ability: Sand Stream  
Level: 50  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Rock Slide  
- Crunch / Assurance
- Dragon Dance / Ice Punch
- Protect / Low Kick

*Just as much as Rock Slide is a quintessential move on Landorus, Rock Slide is also very important on Tyranitar as well
*A STAB move that hits both targets with 30% chance to flinch is the best Rock move in the game
*Depending on what Item you are running, the next few moves will vary:
*Weakness Policy sets should always run Crunch, Dragon Dance, and Protect
*Crunch is more reliable than assurance for a slow Tyranitar, and with Weakness Policy it often picks up the KOs it needs
*When running Weakness Policy, Dragon Dance is important to allow you to hit +1 Speed along side Attack Boosts
*Choice Scarf sets should always run Ice Punch and Low Kick with Crunch / Assurance
*Ice Punch allows Tyranitar to chunk Landorus and Dragon types, while Low Kick KO’s opposing Tyranitar and chunks Snorlax
*Because of how speedy Tyranitar is with Scarf, Assurance allows Tyranitar to follow up on fast attackers (Excadrill, Salamence) and pick up KO’s
*With Choice Scarf or one Speed boost from Dragon Dance, Tyranitar will outspeed threats such as Mega Metagross, Kartana, and Alolan Persian
*This set relies on Tyranitar’s natural bulk, as 4/0 survives +252 Atk Landorus Earthquake and +252 SpA Tapu Lele Moonblast

Set #2 - Life Orb / Z Move
Tyranitar @ Life Orb / Darkium Z
Ability: Sand Stream  
Level: 50  
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Atk / 4 Def / 12 SpD / 4 Spe  
Adamant / Brave Nature  
- Rock Slide  
- Crunch  
- Low Kick / Ice Punch
- Protect

*This Tyranitar spread is nothing special, it simply runs 28 HP to hit 179 HP EVs, which minimizes Life Orb Damage
*Low Kick and Ice Punch are interchangeable in this set, depending on whether you need to hit opposing Tyranitar / Normal types or Landorus
         *I personally prefer Low Kick over Ice Punch, as it does lots of damage to Snorlax
         *+228 Atk Tyranitar Life Orb actually has a chance to outright KO 68 / 188 Def Snorlax
*+228 Atk Tyranitar Z Crunch KO’s 220 / 172 Def Cresselia 100% of the time
         *At -1, Tyranitar will often miss KO’s on Cresselia but still guarantees KO’s on Gothitelle
*-1 +228 Atk Tyranitar Rock Slide has a chance to KO 100 / 156 Def Mega Charizard Y; with Life Orb its a 100% KO
*252 HP allows Tyranitar added bulk to its already high defenses, ensuring that the slower Pokemon can get attacks off
*Life Orb Sets can opt into 252 Speed instead of 252 HP, allowing Tyranitar to outspeed the majority of other Tyranitar that are not Scarfed

Set #3 - Mega Tyranitar
Tyranitar-Mega @ Tyranitarite  
Ability: Sand Stream  
Level: 50  
EVs: 188 HP / 60 Atk / 4 Def / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Crunch  
- Rock Slide  
- Dragon Dance  
- Protect

*A spread that Conan made, this Mega Tyranitar sacrifices a bit of Damage for longevity
*Mega Tyranitar is typically run with Max Speed and Dragon Dance, so that after +1 Speed you can outspeed Positive Base 130 Speed Pokemon such as Mega Gengar and Tapu Koko
*Crunch and Rock Slide, again, are the essential STAB moves that provide Tyranitar with damage and Flinching :)
*At +1 60 Atk, Tyranitar can:
          *KO 252 / 0 Def Aegislash Shield 56.3% of the time with Crunch
          *KO 4/0 Mega Metagross 93.8% of the time with Crunch
          *KO 252 / 12 Def Gothitelle 100% of the time with Crunch
          *2HKO 4/0 Landorus T with Rock Slide
*188 HP / 4 Defense allows Tyranitar added bulk to survive moves such as -1 +252 Atk Landorus Superpower, -1 +252 Atk Scrafty Low Kick, and -1 +252 Atk Hitmontop Close Combat
*Mega Tyranitar is typically ran alongside Meta Metagross as a secondary Mega Evolution
*The two are suited towards very different matchups, so having the flexibility to pick between the two is useful
          *Also appreciates Amoonguss support for redirection while setting up Dragon Dance
*Yuri in Oceania Internats ran a bulky version of Mega Tyranitar with Low Kick over Dragon Dance, however, I have no info as to the spread of the Tyranitar

Using Tyranitar
*Because of its many different items, Tyranitar can fulfill a variety of roles
*Those seeking to use Tyranitar as a quick form of damage run Choice Scarf to net KOs using Assurance
*However, if running Scarf Tyranitar alongside Excadrill, it is important not to lead with Tyranitar if the opponent has any form of weather
*Keeping Tyranitar in the back as a switch in to negate weather / set up sand is much safer, allowing Excadrill to move before Tyranitar for the 1-2 Punch
*Weakness Policy sets and Mega Tyranitar both appreciate Amoonguss support for redirection as they set up a Dragon Dance or two to sweep
*Other notable partners include Tapu Fini / Tapu Koko, which protect Tyranitar from Spore
          *Tapu Lele provides Terrain support to negate Fake Out and allow for a Dragon Dance
*Life Orb and Z Move Tyranitar find their way onto predominately Fini / Lele Metagross teams and Charizard Y teams
*In both cases, Tyranitar is used as a method to counteract opposing weather
*Tyranitar is used as a pivot for Charizard Y to get rid of Rain, while Metagross teams prefer sand to both Sun and Rain
*Z Move is used for those particularly weak to Trick Room, used to KO TR setters before they can set up

*My personal favorite set is currently Adamant Life Orb Tyranitar, but all of these sets are equally viable and very common on ladder


Other Resources

VGC 2018 Teams

Naganadel Analysis

Salamence Analysis (Mega Croissant)

Lurantis Analysis

Landorus-T, the King of VGC

Aegislash Analysis

Kartana Analysis

Charizard Y Analysis

Gengar Analysis

Snorlax Analysis