Amoonguss Analysis

After a brief two year hiatus, Amoonguss is once again a nuisance in the VGC format. With a solid bulk, access to Spore and Rage Powder, as well as an incredibly useful form of Recovery through Regenerator, Amoonguss is yet again the premier redirection support Pokemon in VGC.

*114 Base HP Stat makes Amoonguss incredibly bulky, allowing it to redirect a considerable number of attacks
*Access to Clear Smog and very slow speed allows Amoonguss to reset opponent’s stat buffs
*A decent Trick Room counter with low speed and Spore
*Access to both Rage Powder and Spore makes Amoonguss a great Pokemon to both protect / neuter Trick Room setters and set up Pokemon
*Regenerator allows Amoonguss to recover 33% of HP upon switching out, making sure that it can redirect even more attacks

*70 / 85 Defensive and Special Defensive Stats are very lackluster
*Very weak to the common Meta Lele as well as Charizard Y teams
*Tapu Fini and Tapu Koko both prevent Spore from having any effect with their terrain
*Amoonguss speed ties Snorlax, making for scary 50/50s

Set #1 - Pinch Berry
Amoonguss @ Iapapa Berry  
Ability: Regenerator  
Level: 50  
EVs: 212 HP / 204 Def / 92 SpD  
Relaxed Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Clear Smog / Giga Drain / Sludge Bomb
- Spore  
- Rage Powder  
- Protect

*Amoonguss does not have much flexibility regarding moves and spreads, as its main role is to Redirect attacks from allies or cast Spore to put threatening foes to sleep.
*Amoonguss always wants one attacking move, and while Giga Drain and Sludge Bomb deal chip damage to bulky waters and fairies respectively, I am a very big fan of Clear Smog
*Clear Smog rids opponents of their buffs/debuffs, and can be used to completely mitigate Snorlax Belly Drums, Volcarona Quiver Dances, and Eevee’s Z Last Resort boost
*Spore and Rage Powder are both essential moves to Amoonguss set, and are the reason why Amoonguss is so commonly used
*Spore has 100% accuracy and puts non-grass types to sleep. It is incredibly useful in stalling out the game, neutering key threats, and stopping Trick Room from going up
*However, with the introduction of both Electric and Misty Terrain, Spore is not as useful as it was in 2015. Be careful not to waste a turn using Spore on grounded Pokemon in these terrains
*Rage Powder redirects all attacks below +2 Priority from Amoonguss’ allies, allowing Amoonguss to soak up heavy attacks and Z moves in place of an ally
*This allows allies to either set up or go for KO’s without fear
*However, Rage Powder does NOT redirect Grass type Pokemon's moves, so be careful
*Because of how offensive the format is, Amoonguss is a lot harder to EV properly; there are really no good benchmarks to create a mushroom capable of surviving both Physical and Special attacks. This spread aims at achieving a balance between both defenses.
*212 / +204 Def allows Amoonguss to survive -1 +180 Atk Aerilate Mega Salamence Double-Edge, and also survive 252 Atk Tough Claws Mega Metagross Zen Headbutt 93.8% of the time
*+6 +252 Atk Azumarill Aqua Jet is also a 3HKO, allowing you to Spore/Clear Smog
*212 / 92 SpD allows Amoonguss to survive +252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic outside of terrain, as well as +252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Heat Wave outside of the sun
*0 Speed IVs with a Harmful nature allows Amoonguss to be as slow as possible, speed tying with the likes of minimum speed Snorlax
*This not only allows you to move first frequently under Trick Room, but also allows you to potentially Spore / Clear Smog Snorlax before it can move

Set #2 - Resist Berry
Amoonguss @ Occa Berry / Payapa Berry  
Ability: Regenerator  
Level: 50  
EVs: 212 HP / 92 Def / 204 SpD  
Sassy Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe  
- Clear Smog  
- Spore  
- Rage Powder  
- Protect

*Sporting a slightly different EV spread, this Amoonguss aims to survive strong, super effective attacks from targets that it otherwise would not
*212 / +204 SpD allows Amoonguss to survive +252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic in Psychic Terrain 100% of the time, and +252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Overheat in the Sun 81.3% of the time
*The Defense EVs allow Amoonguss to survive -1 44 Atk Aerilate Mega Salamence Double-Edge.
*With Occa / Payapa Berry, Amoonguss will lack the recovery of Pinch Berry in exchange for getting of a Spore on crucial targets. Thus, make use of Regenerator to heal up the mushroom through switching Amoonguss in and out of the battlefield.

Using Amoonguss
*While Amoonguss does provide excellent utility and doubles as a meat shield, several Pokemon in VGC 2018 hamper Amoonguss from achieving full functionality.
*Amoonguss, despite its Poison typing, really dislikes facing any of the Tapu Pokemon
*Tapu Koko and Tapu Fini both have annoying terrains that prevent Amoonguss from using Spore
*Tapu Lele can threaten KO’s on Amoonguss, while Tapu Bulu bypasses Redirection / Spore entirely
*Amoonguss also dislikes facing Mega Charizard Y, one of the three most common Mega Evolutions in the format
*While Amoonguss is the Pokemon used to cover weaknesses of a team, Amoonguss especially appreciates certain Pokemon
*Tyranitar not only threatens Charizard Y with both Rock type coverage and Sand Stream, but also appreciates Amoonguss’ support in setting up Dragon Dance to Sweep
*Salamence and Azumarill also appreciate Amoonguss’ support, redirecting Z Thunderbolt from Tapu Koko and Taunts while setting up Dragon Dance / Belly Drum
*After setting up, these two can easily sweep through opposing teams
*Tapu Lele resets terrain into Psychic terrain, allowing Amoonguss to use Spore on Tapu Koko and Tapu Fini
*Be careful not to lose your Amoonguss to opposing Psychic type attacks in the process
*A Key feature of Amoonguss that many players, both new and experienced, often forget about is its Regenerator Ability. Allowing Amoonguss to heal 33% of its HP upon switching out, Regenerator keeps your mushroom shield along for longer periods of time to support allies.


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