Gengar Analysis

A speedy and incredibly offensive threat, Gengar is the premiere Poison type in a Tapu filled format. While no longer carrying Levitate, Gengar is still able to function exceptionally well with its Mega Form’s ability, Shadow Tag, trapping in opponents to allow your own Pokemon to set up or cycle Intimidates.

*Boasts an impressive 170 SpA and 130 Spe when Mega Evolved, outspeeding most of the metagame and speed tying with Tapu Koko
*After Mega Evolving, Gengar gains access to Shadow Tag, one of the most useful and annoying abilities in Pokemon
*As a Poison type, Gengar is immune to Fake Out and threatens KO’s on all Tapu Pokemon with Sludge Bomb

*Speed Ties with Tapu Koko, which is very annoying as Tapu Koko can KO Gengar before it moves
*Increase in Specially Defensive bulky Pokemon mean that Gengar often misses KO’s and is counter KO’d
*Ghost / Poison is not a great offensive typing when not super effective
*60/80/95 Bulk means most Z Moves and strong Stabs will KO Gengar outright
*Lackluster Defense and lack of Levitate make Gengar more susceptible to Landorus-T than it was in 2015

Set #1 - Offensive Gengar
Gengar-Mega @ Gengarite  
Ability: Shadow Tag  
Level: 50  
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Sludge Bomb  
- Shadow Ball  
- Icy Wind / Disable
- Protect

*Sludge Bomb applies heavy offensive pressure on all Tapu Pokemon, threatening KO’s on each except for the bulkiest of Tapu Fini
*Shadow Ball is necessary to damage pesky steel types such as Kartana and Heatran, who are otherwise immune to Gengar’s Damage
*Also picks up KO’s on opposing Gengar’s in mirror matchups
*Icy Wind is used as a form of speed control for your other Pokemon, as Gengar is faster than the majority of the opponents
*Icy Wind also does decent damage to 4/0 Landorus, often picking up 2HKOs
*Disable can be used in place of Icy Wind to stop pesky Earthquakes or Choice Item Pokemon straight in their tracks; being faster than the target you disable makes them do nothing for a turn
*Because this Gengar is frail, it often needs to be paired with an Intimidator such as Landorus or Scrafty
*With Intimidate, Gengar can survive a +252 Atk Landorus Earthquake and +252 Atk Incineroar Knock off

Set #2 - Perish Trap
Gengar-Mega @ Gengarite  
Ability: Levitate  
Level: 50  
EVs: 92 HP / 4 Def / 220 SpA / 4 SpD / 188 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Shadow Ball  
- Disable  
- Perish Song  
- Protect  

*Sacrificing a bit of investment in both Speed and Special Attack, this Gengar is marginally bulkier to suit Perish trap needs
*Shadow Ball is run instead of Sludge Bomb, so that Gengar is not walled by Steel types such as Celesteela or Kartana
*Normal types are not an issue; they should not be able to touch Gengar regardless
*The idea is to trap opposing Pokemon with Shadow Tag as Perish Song slowly eliminates opponents
*Requires Intimidate and Fake Out support, usually in the form of Scrafty
*If you want an in depth on how to play Perish Trap, please spectate Ketchupplant

Using Gengar
*Gengar loves being partnered with Whimsicott
*Prankster Fake Tears + Shadow Ball / Sludge Bomb can KO alot of Pokemon, even the bulky Cresselia
*Whimsicott also gets access to Encore, allowing Whimsicott to Encore opponents into a Move first and Gengar to Disable said move, causing opponents to be locked into Struggle
*Also provides Tailwind/Taunt support, so that Mega Gengar can last on the field
*Gengar also appreciates Pokemon such as Scrafty and Hitmontop, who provide both Fake Out and Intimidate Support
*Gengar ESPECIALLY hates dark types such as Scrafty or Incineroar; If using Gengar you must have an answer to both of these Pokemon
*Generally, a Tapu of your own (Tapu Fini or Tapu Koko) does the job
*Gengar can be used with Kommo-o to ensure that its Z Move hits non fairy targets, ensuring the +1 Boost to all stats
*If running Perish Trap, pairing Gengar with Pokemon such as Gothitelle, Politoed, and Amoongus are necessary
*Amoongus provides redirection, Politoed can halt weather teams while they're trapped in as well as use Perish Song, and Gothitelle provides a second Shadow Tag to pivot to, along with Trick Room and Heal Pulse support


Other Resources

VGC 2018 Teams

Naganadel Analysis

Salamence Analysis (Mega Croissant)

Lurantis Analysis

Landorus-T, the King of VGC

Aegislash Analysis

Kartana Analysis

Charizard Y Analysis

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