Tapu Fini Analysis

In contention for the best Tapu Pokemon for a second year in a row, Tapu Fini is the premiere bulky Water in the format. With an excellent typing combined with the highest defensive stats of any Tapu Pokemon, Tapu Fini can fulfill multiple roles as a Supporter, CM sweeper, or a pure damage source. Combined with Misty Terrain protecting you from status effects, Tapu Fini is a staple of the current format.
*75 / 110 / 130 Defensive stats allow Tapu Fini to soak up multiple hits while remaining incredibly healthy with Pinch Berries
*While 95 SpA is lackluster, access to Calm Mind or Choice Specs can boost Tapu Fini’s damage output to reasonable and scary levels
*Water / Fairy is both a great offensive and defensive typing, allowing Fini to threaten numerous Pokemon with SpA investment
*Access to support moves such as Heal Pulse, Soak, Swagger, and Icy Wind allow Tapu Fini a great flexibility in sets
*Misty Terrain protects Fini and allies from status conditions and can help minimize RNG in games through preventing random paralyses, freezes, and burns
*With 2018 came Mega Pokemon and Zapdos, both which make Tapu Fini less of a bulky presence than before
*In particular, Mega Salamence and Mega Metagross can often 2HKO Tapu Fini without procing Pinch Berries
*Increased presence of Grass types (Ferrothorn, Amoongus, Ludicolo) that can wall Tapu Fini are an incredible nuisance
*Defense stat, while solid, does not hold up to the many new physical attackers in the format
*Requires Intimidate support to take more than two hits and stay on the field
*Very middling speed tier means that Tapu Fini either requires Tailwind or Icy Wind support, or else Tapu Fini will not get many attacks off before being KO’d
Set #1 - CM Fini
Tapu Fini @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 228 HP / 84 Def / 124 SpA / 4 SpD / 68 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Muddy Water / Scald
- Calm Mind
- Protect
*The most common Tapu Fini, CM Fini aims to set up at least one Calm Mind before sweeping through opposing teams
*At +1 124+ SpA Tapu Fini Muddy Water KO’s 4/0 Landorus and Excadrill
*+1 124+ SpA Tapu Fini Scald picks up KO’s on 4/0 Heatran and Volcarona
*Scald is usually the option for those who are sick of missing Muddy Water
*Moonblast provides excellent coverage against common threats like Salamence, Tyranitar, and Kommo-o
*+1 124+ SpA Tapu Fini Moonblast often 2HKOs Pokemon such as Mega Kangaskhan, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Lele, and Tyranitar in sand
*Calm Mind is rather self-explanatory; it is used to not only promote Tapu Fini’s longevity through SpD boosts but also increase Tapu Fini’s fire power
*228 / 84 Defensive Stats ensures that Tapu Fini will survive +252 Atk Landorus Ground Z ~90% of the time, activating its Pinch Berry
*+180 Atk Salamence Double Edge also puts Tapu Fini in berry range, while Fini can counter KO with Moonblast or set up CM
*228 / 4 SpD allows Tapu Fini to survive +252 SpA Zapdos Thunderbolt and activate its berry; after CM boost Thunderbolt will be a 3HKO
*+1 SpD Tapu Fini survives +252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic Z in Psychic Terrain, and activates its berry
*68 Speed allows Tapu Fini to hit 114 Speed, outspeeding Neutral Max Speed Tyranitar as well as hitting 228 Speed in Tailwind
*Also outspeeds Positive Base 100 Pokemon after an Icy Wind
*Because of lack of Defense investment, this Tapu Fini set in particular appreciates Intimidate support
Set #2 - Choice Specs Tapu Fini
Tapu Fini @ Choice Specs
Tapu Fini @ Choice Specs
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 244 HP / 4 Def / 212 SpA / 44 SpD / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Scald / Muddy Water
- Ice Beam / Dazzling Gleam
- Dazzling Gleam / Trick / Haze
*The second most common Tapu Fini Spread, Specs Tapu Fini is used for pure damage output
*Choice Specs Moonblast often 2HKOs neutral targets such as Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Kangaskhan, Incineroar, and squishy Zapdos
*KOs bulky Salamence, Mega Tyranitar out of sand, Naganadel, and Hitmontop
*Again, Scald and Muddy Water are interchangeable, and Scald is used for those who are fed up with missing Muddy Water
*KOs 4/0 Landorus, Volcarona, Heatran, with Scald
*Ice Beam nets KO’s on incredibly bulky 140/140 SpD AV Landorus, as well as 60/220+ SpD Salamence
*Dazzling Gleam can be used if weak against Kommo-o, particularly the Follow Me + Setup Variety
*Trick can be used to stop Chansey or set Up teams, while Haze can be used to completely neuter Eevee teams and reset the field against heavy Set Up
*Because this Tapu Fini runs little bulk, Intimidate and Snarl are highly recommended to protect Tapu Fini to dish out heavy damage
*Because of its lower speed in this spread, this Tapu Fini can often function under Trick Room
Set #3 - Support Tapu Fini
Tapu Fini @ Wiki Berry
Ability: Misty Surge
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 44 SpA / 116 SpD / 12 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Heal Pulse / Light Screen / Muddy Water
- Swagger / Soak / Icy Wind
- Protect / Haze
*Using a much bulkier spread, this Tapu Fini aims at lasting on the field to constantly support ally Pokemon and allow them to sweep
*Moonblast is the single attacking move of choice, as it allows Tapu Fini to hit most Pokemon for neutral damage and avoids Storm Drain
*Also picks up the KO on Kommo-o, even with only 44 SpA investment
*Required to run at least one attacking move or Tapu Fini will lose all 1v1s
*The second and third moveslots are open to Fini’s wide supporting movepool
*Heal Pulse and Light Screen are both equally viable, but Light Screen can be more useful as it protects Fini and its ally, and lasts on the field for 4 turns
*Soak is a niche move used to aid Pokemon such as Tapu Bulu, Kartana, or Snorlax to hit and KO Pokemon it otherwise would not (such as Celesteela, Gengar)
*Icy Wind can provide a decent form of Speed Control; after one Icy wind 12 Spe Tapu Fini outspeeds +252 Spe Landorus
*Haze is used if the team is especially weak to random Eevee teams, Snorlax Setups, and opposing Calm Mind users
*252 / 84+ Bold Tapu Fini survives 252 Atk Kartana Leaf Blade 100% of the time, as well as making 252 Atk Metagross Iron Head a 4HKO after berry
*252 / 116 SpD makes +252 Zapdos Thunderbolt a possible 3-4HKO, and survives 252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Koko Thunderbolt
*Least common Tapu Fini set, can also be run with speed investment + Choice Scarf to provide fast Swaggers or Soak + Leaf Blade / Thunderbolt cheese from Kartana or Tapu Koko
Using Tapu Fini
*Because of the introduction of many dominant Physical Attackers into the format, Tapu Fini appreciates Intimdate support to help last on the field
*Using Landorus provides both Intimdate and provides Super Effective coverage on many Pokemon
*Hitmontop / Scrafty are also viable options, with access to Intimidate and Fake Out, allowing Tapu Fini to set up CM, fire off powerful attacks, or put up Light Screen
*Manectric is an especially useful Pokemon to pair with Tapu Fini, as it provides Lightning Rod, Intimidate, and Snarl support
*However, keep in mind that Manectric can not provide Lightning Rod after Mega Evolving, so be careful in deciding when to Mega Evolve
*Many Pokemon appreciate Tapu Fini for its Terrain; common examples include:
*Snorlax + Gothitelle, to avoid Amoongus Spore from stopping set up
*Metagross / Tyranitar, preventing Burns from hampering Metagross’ attack stat
*Zapdos / Celesteela, Misty Seed sets providing both Pokemon with +1 SpD
*Amoongus, Tapu Fini threatens Fire Types while Amoongus allows Tapu Fini to set up
*In general, Tapu Fini can be both a lead and effective Pokemon to have in the back
*If leading Tapu Fini, Fake Out support, redirection, or strong fast attackers are desired
*Tapu Fini can also switch in to reset the terrain; its bulk allows it to switch into +252 SpA Tapu Lele Psychic Z and +252 Atk Landorus Ground Z
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