Aegislash Analysis

My personal favorite Ghost Type in the format, Aegislash comes back from its VGC 2015 hiatus to once again serve as an offensive and supportive threat. With its signature ability, Stance Change, Aegislash can both provide an immense offensive threat while boasting high defenses. Pros *Stance Change allows Aegislash to effectively have 50 / 150 / 150 / 150 / 150 / 60 stats, making Aegislash a solid wall and offensive threat. *Ghost / Steel typing complements Aegislash both defensively and offensively *Aegislash has eight resistances and one immunity *The introduction of Z Moves allows Aegislash to now nuke targets without having to run Life Orb, which decreases Aegislash’ longevity *Small but efficient movepool allows Aegislash to cover many threats and targets *Premier Wide Guard user, protecting allies from Spread moves Cons *The common threats of Charizard Y and Landorus-T still heavily threaten Aegislash *Z Moves also threaten Aegisla...