Naganadel Analysis

One of three new Ultra Beasts introduced in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, Naganadel finds its niche as a speedy and offensive Poison type in a Tapu filled format. With a decent speed stat, access to Tailwind, and the flexibility of Z Moves, Naganadel can serve as a check to major threats in the format. Pros *Poison Dragon is an excellent Offensive and Defensive typing in the current format *127 Special Attack allows Naganadel to OHKO all Tapus with the exception of Tapu Fini, and also provides 2HKOs with Super Effective attacks *121 Speed allows Naganadel to outspeed most of the format barring Tapu Koko and Mega Gengar, and is the fastest Tailwind setter available *Decent coverage and access to Tailwind allow Naganadel to fulfill multiple roles *Choice Scarf Naganadel outspeeds Ludicolo in the Rain, and KO’s with Sludge Bomb Cons *73 / 73 / 73 Defensive stats are lackluster; Naganadel requires Intimidate support to survive most STAB and Super Effective Physical ...